Our world needs to break free from the norm.
The Problem
Take - make - use - dispose. This is the linear economic system that characterizes society today.
However, each unnecessary purchase is consuming our future. According to the World Wildlife Fund, if everyone lived like Hong Kong citizens, we'd need 4.2 Earths to support our resource use!

We're here to build a future generation of global citizens.
We're taking action for sustainability world-wide
Our Impact
7 countries
Members from
4 continents
2000+ individuals engaged
340 pounds of trash removed from global coastlines
110 pounds of trash removed from Hong Kong's nature parks
32 workshops held to educate youth on conscious consumerism
16 corporate and youth NGO partners, advancing sustainability collaboratively
the true cost of overconsumption
Our recent blog articles
Listen to our podcast: Conversations of Consumerism (COC)
Ever wondered how different sectors practice sustainable consumption? To share a variety of expert perspectives, we interview professionals and youth changemakers across sustainability-related fields to inspire you on your green journey.
Watch the first episode of our second season with Ms. Hermia Chan from NESS!
Our Past Guests

Jane Poon
Jane Poon 是代表亞太地區的 16 名 UNITAR 青年大使之一,她因推動可持續發展目標變革而創立了 ProjectProvision。多年來,Jane創立了多家公司和社會企業,在Social Enterprise World Forum 2021發表演講,並與該地區的公司共同舉辦活動。 她希望為ProjectProvision帶來正能量,並以全新的方式應對消費主義危機!

Valerie Wong
Valerie 對可持續發展非常感興趣。作為學校可持續發展委員會的成員,Valerie 非常擅長領導團隊和尋找解決問題的創新方法。她很高興能對下一代進行消費主義教育!

Rachel Wu
Rachel 擅長策劃活動,並擁有悠久的領導經驗。 她非常興奮倡導有意識的消費主義和促進可持續發展!

Beatrice Lam
Beatrice Lam 是一名渴望在社區中尋求改變的學生。作為約翰霍普金斯青年人才中心認可的高技能榮譽學生,Beatrice對領導力領域非常熟悉。她期待 ProjectProvision 之旅!