We share them for fun and with no ill intentions. But there are Country Email List always a few people who really believe that the Hema sells boxer shorts inside out. 2. Incorrect connection An incorrect connection ( false connection ) occurs if the title, image or Country Email List captions of content do not accurately reflect what the content is really about. An incorrect connection mainly occurs in sensational gossip columns and – certainly on social media – in the Country Email List form of clickbait . Screenshot of news item Arie Boomsma.
Mediacourant.nl For example, look at the above Country Email List message. The title suggests that you can read in the article what time Arie Boomsma opens his diary, but that information is not in the article . And the picture? It has nothing to do with the Country Email List content of this article, but comes from a video that Boomsma shared months earlier. An Country Email List incorrect connection is often used to attract attention, including by marketers. The target audience is deliberately misled in the hope that they will open the content. It may not be neat, but there is usually Country Email List no malicious intent behind such an incorrect connection. 3. Misleading0
Frame In a misleading frame ( misleading content ) information Country Email List is shared unilaterally in order to frame something or someone in a certain way. There is often nothing wrong with the information itself. But the problem is, the information doesn't tell the whole story. Or that it is (consciously or unconsciously) misinterpreted. The misleading frame Country Email List often popped up during the corona crisis, for example in the discussion about vaccines. Science journalist Maarten Keulemans often speaks out on Twitter against this kind of fake news. For Country Email List example, in the tweet above, he debunks the message that the Pfizer vaccine is deadly. The message comes from an official scientific study